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Jay Lowder
Nov 28, 2024
This Thanksgiving, there will be an empty chair at our table.
Dad eventually came to the place where he had no quality of life, and I secretly prayed for God to take him.

Jay Lowder
Oct 3, 2022
From Attempted Suicide to Saving Souls
Jay Lowder was seconds away from ending his life when an unexpected interruption, followed by a dramatic revelation of Jesus’ love for...

I am fascinated by a compelling true story.

There are many ways to communicate information, but I have found that some truths are most easily grasped in the context of a parable.


Mar 26, 2015
Marriage Mountains
Every marriage has its share of mountains. There is the thrill of ascending to the marital summit where ecstasy, stunning new realities...

Feb 27, 2015
Condemned to hell at Mardi Gras
Just because the cloud in the sky looks like a multi-headed dragon to you doesn’t mean it doesn’t look like a four-leaf clover to someone...

Dec 22, 2014
Price Tag
Every good and perfect gift….. has a price tag. As I walk around from shop to shop looking for the perfect gift to give someone this...

Nov 20, 2014
Is God still welcome at the Thanksgiving table?
It is amazing to me in the “politically correct” society in which we live that a 150-year-old tradition rooted and grounded in religion...

Oct 9, 2014
It's nothing new
“What has been will be again, what has been done will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun.” Ecclesiastes 1:9 Considering...
Sep 11, 2014
The Performance Trap
I really hate walking on a treadmill and honestly, I don’t like walking round and round the track. Being stuck on something going nowhere...
Aug 26, 2014
Avoiding Burnout
The day began at 5:15 a.m. - as a notorious night owl, who could give Dracula a run for his money, the two hours of sleep the night...
Jul 13, 2014
The Boiling Point
Proverbs 16:32,"He who is slow to anger is better than the mighty and he who controls his spirit than he who takes a city." Yesterday’s...
Apr 7, 2014
Poisonous Relationships
1 Cor 15:33, "Do not be deceived: Evil company corrupts good habits." Show me your friends and I will show you your future! Who you are...

Dec 23, 2013
A Christmas Letter
I always get ramped up thinking about you this time of year. Although I am a grown man, there is something about Christmas that takes me...
Aug 4, 2013
Her look, a combination of Palomino colored hair and glitzy aquamarine eyes made her stand out from others like a lighthouse. I didn’t...

Jul 16, 2013
Apache Pride
I always wanted to be one. Every single time my sugar-high buddies and I would play Cowboys and Indians, I chose to play the part of the...

Jun 13, 2013
A Texas Yankee
New York City is 1,590 miles away from the desk from which I am writing, but from my thoughts and heart there is no distance at all. I...

Apr 18, 2013
Tragedy in Boston
In much of life there is no question more impossible to answer than “WHY?” The how, what and when will eventually be revealed but the...

Apr 1, 2013
“Home” is a word that should be soothing and grand, conjuring up memories of joy, happiness and peace. The word “home” is endearing to so...
Mar 8, 2013
March Madness
It’s now March and the beginning of melting snow, emerging tulips, Daylight Savings time, the celebration of Easter, and Saint Patrick’s...

Feb 6, 2013
Trip to Toronto and Down Memory Lane
I just returned from an exciting trip to Toronto with my wife Missy. I was invited to appear on a great Canadian Network to share my...
Jan 3, 2013
Windows of Opportunity
On Jan. 1, the kids, Missy and I held our traditional New Year’s family devotion. This is not some sappy time of making resolutions we...
Dec 31, 2012
Christmas is NOT over
Yes, December 25th has come and gone. Boxes and bags were emptied and stomachs are filled. Although its lights are still turned on...
Jun 5, 2012
A little over a week ago I paced into another arena, but my purpose this time was different. I wasn’t there to speak but to listen and...
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