Powerful reminder (Learning from the past)
Updated: Feb 15, 2021
2011…When I think about the year that is about to pass us by a lot of things come to mind. I think back of the headlines we have seen: the death of Osama Bin Laden, the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the 10thyear anniversary of the terrorist attacks on 9/11, Charlie Sheen’s meltdown and a royal wedding. This year, like any other, was full of the good, bad, ugly and funny. It was a year for the calendars, for sure.
For me I watched my kids grow a year older, added a new family member – a Great Pyrenees named Judah – saw God do some great things through Harvest Ministries and finished the draft for my very first book. As we began to put all of the Christmas decorations away, eat the last couple of cookies we decorated and throw out all the wrapping paper that was destroyed on Christmas morning, I couldn’t help but think about this past year.
God had done some great and difficult things this year in my life, family and ministry. As all of the images flooded my mind, from the new birth of multitudes accepting Christ as Savior to the family members who faced death, I feel both joy and sorrow.
As I think about it all, it reminds me we need to take what we learn each year to prepare us for the next. We need to treasure the memories but grow from them, as well. Of the great things that happened this year, there were still times that I look back on and regret things that I have and haven’t done. As important or more than what happens to us, is how we react to those situations. I long to react more like Christ, but we are all sinners and have to learn to pick up our cross and follow Christ each day.
I really want to encourage you to take time to study 2011. Think back on the things you learned, even if you learned them the hard way. Pour into God’s word and really seek Him this New Year.
God is a merciful, loving God. Maybe you look back on 2011 and know something was missing. Maybe you feel an emptiness that can’t be filled with money, career, family, etc. Maybe this year, God is calling you to a new beginning with Him. If you don’t know Him, he wants to get to know you. Romans 10:9 says, “That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
He loves you. As you learn from 2011 don’t miss all the great things God has for you in 2012.
Love you Guys-
