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Jay Lowder
Nov 28, 2024
This Thanksgiving, there will be an empty chair at our table.
Dad eventually came to the place where he had no quality of life, and I secretly prayed for God to take him.

Jay Lowder
Oct 3, 2022
From Attempted Suicide to Saving Souls
Jay Lowder was seconds away from ending his life when an unexpected interruption, followed by a dramatic revelation of Jesus’ love for...

I am fascinated by a compelling true story.

There are many ways to communicate information, but I have found that some truths are most easily grasped in the context of a parable.


Jul 16, 2015
Christians: This is the only way #LoveWins
The Blaze - Like many Christians, I believe we should continue to stand firm in our faith and have our convictions. Yet, we must make...

Jul 5, 2015
6 Myths that are killing your marriage - I’ll never forget the thrill of being a newlywed – the ecstasy, stunning new realities, and fulfillment that was beyond...

May 3, 2015
Why this Christian evangelist is coming out of the closet
The Blaze - I know it’s strange and some people will think I have lost my mind and should not be sharing private information, but I feel...

Mar 16, 2015
How Disney's Cinderella provides the key to happiness
The Blaze - Disney’s live-action “Cinderella” topped the box office in its opening weekend. And while most of us know the classic story,...

Mar 15, 2015
6 ways to avoid toxic relationships
Relevant Magazine - There is no exact formula for relationship success, as every relationship is different. But In trying to lay some...

Mar 8, 2015
Quit blaming Curt Shilling for other people's tweets
The Blaze - "What you say on social media has consequences. We were reminded of this when news of a blog post by former Major League...

Feb 20, 2015
The Oscar movie you haven't heard about, but need to see
The Blaze - On Sunday millions of viewers will be glued to their television screens to see who will be deemed the best in film and...

Feb 6, 2015
Silence is not a solution to our nation's suicide problem
The Blaze - Depression, anxiety, self-harm and suicide rates are rising, yet these are not topics that we, as a society, feel confident...

Oct 9, 2014
5 Misconceptions about prayer that need to be corrected
Charisma Magazine - There are many misconceptions about prayer that often hinder individuals from fully benefiting from this intimate act...

Feb 27, 2014
Are you ready to be a champion? - Champions aren’t made at awards ceremonies, they are only recognized there. Champs are made in the frozen, lonely...

Feb 14, 2014
The universal language of Love
Charisma Mag - Love is the universal language understood by all. All humanity longs to find true acceptance for who they are as a person...

Nov 5, 2012
How to alleviate fear after disaster
Fox News - Author Jay Lowder shares a message of hope after the storm and how to rebuild as a family, both emotionally and spiritually....

Jun 12, 2012
Father's Day Reflections: Footsteps in the hallway - "He is only a man but somehow helped me become so much more. He’s flawed, prone to mistakes, sometimes stern and...
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